Can You Sue Nursing Homes For Slip and Fall Accidents?

Nursing home liability is a hotly contested area in injury law. There are many reasons why people end up in nursing homes, but one thing they all have in common is the risk of injury. Whether it's a slip and fall accident, abuse, bed sores, lack of assistance or even...

Everything You Need to Know About Filing A Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit in Houston, Texas

Motorcycle accidents are always unfortunate events. If you've been in a motorcycle accident, what should you do next? We have the answer! If your bike was involved in a collision with another vehicle, like a car or truck, then it is important to file a lawsuit against that driver. It...

10 Questions You Should Be Asking Your Personal Injury Attorney

Car accident victims often feel overwhelmed when it comes to dealing with the aftermath of an injury.  If you've been injured in a car accident, then the first thing that you should be doing is talking to a personal injury attorney. A good lawyer will help guide you through this...

What Is Considered Medical Negligence?

Medical negligence is a legal term that refers to the mistakes doctors and other medical professionals make during patient care. It can lead to serious injury or death of patients, as well as emotional trauma for those who survive.  This type of conduct may be intentional or due to simple...

10 Things Everyone Should Understand About Car Insurance

Car insurance is something that many of us take for granted. We pay our premiums and then don't think about it again until we need to make a claim. If you're in a car accident it's important to be prepared for the next steps and have a good understanding of...

Are Ubers Safe?

Uber is a popular rideshare company that millions of people use daily, but does it have a safe track record?  There are currently no federal laws regulating this industry, so each state has their own set of rules for companies like Uber and Lyft. In most states, drivers do not...

How to Choose the Best Personal Injury Attorney in Texas

The best personal injury lawyers in each state are often not necessarily those with the most expensive ads or that have been around for decades. Instead, you should look to find a lawyer who is passionate about their work and cares more about your needs than anything else. Consider looking...

Deadliest Stretch of Highway in USA Located in Houston

Highway safety is a significant issue in Texas, leading to many injuries and even deaths. If you are a driver in the Lone Star State, it’s important that you know about some of its more dangerous highways so that you can take precautions when traveling on them. Every day there...